Before that...
... lets know what is branding?
Branding is the process of manufacturing meaning.
Design is the process of conveying that meaning.
You can think of a brand Just like a person, a brand has an
identity, values, tone of voice, story, character, personality, attitude,
soul, and even beliefs. During the process of branding,
the startup business will create a name, symbol, or design
that differentiates and identifies that company's product from
other similar products.

Increases brand recognition.
“Oh, I know that brand!”
Brand recognition is how well your target audience, and potential
customers, can recall your company’s brand and identify your
products. It’s an indicator of how well your audience differentiates
your product from those of competitors.
Improves customer loyalty to your brand.
“I like everything they do.”
Loyal customers generally spend more money on your product.
Research shows that 57% of customers spend more money on
brands they’re loyal to. Loyal customers tend to be repeat
customers, too.
Positive word of mouth marketing.
“Did you hear about this? It’s amazing.”
When your brand tells a story that people want to hear, they’ll
repeat it to friends, family, and strangers at the bus stop. They’re
your brand ambassadors. Word-of-mouth advertising is social
proof that your brand is credible.
Increase ad effectiveness for customers.
“They’re showing something new.”
Advertising effectiveness refers to the measure of how likely it is
that your customer will purchase your product after seeing your
advertisement. The higher your advertising effectiveness is,
the more likely your customer is to purchase your product.
Lower price sensitivity.
“I need this, no matter what.”
Price sensitivity is a term that describes how heavily the cost of
your product weighs on your target market’s willingness to buy it.
The less it weighs on their decision, the better; it means they
like your brand well enough to give less weight to price.
More applicants that want to work for your brand.
“Working for this brand must be pretty darn awesome.”
When an applicant sees a company that appears to have their
head in the game, they’re likely to be interested. Everyone wants
to have strong, interesting brands in their curriculum vitae.
Engaged employees who are proud to work at your company.
“We have a cool thing going”
You want your employees to be happy where they work, and with
the work your company does. Happy employees prove to be more
engaged, and engaged employees stay at companies longer,
are more productive, and are 21% more profitable.
A brand is a result – it's a person's gut feeling about a
product, service or company. It's in their heads and in their
hearts. A brand is your reputation.
- Marty Neumeier
Brands Sell feelings, not products